Sunday, December 8, 2013

Favorite Words Right Now

Colin & Grace at their school Christmas Program
It's always fun to hear the words that come out your kids' mouths. Okay, it's not ALWAYS fun. From time to time, the words make you say, "Oops" or worse.

Grace's favorite words right now are:

  • Awkward
  • Horrifying
It is impossible for Grace to say "awkward" without a pause between awk and ward, and she says it with the sass of a teenager. We're in trouble when those years arrive...and probably sooner.

She's been using the word horrifying a lot! My favorite story she's told using the word was about how she had a horrifying dream where Daddy turned into an alien. Classic!

Colin's favorite words right now are:
  • Frustrating/Frustrated
  • Nipples
Colin knows that his behavior can be very frustrating for those around him. I'm not exactly sure where he picked up this word, but he loves the way it sounds. On Friday night after his school Christmas Program (where he never sang one word of the song), I asked him why didn't sing with his classmates. His response: "I was too frustrated." I asked what was frustrating him. He said, "Singing is frustrating." 

As for his other favorite word, what can I see? He's into nipples. And he digs talking about them - human nipples, animal nipples, it really doesn't matter. He just likes saying the word as often as he can weave it into a conversation. At home, this isn't too bad, but when he said it LOUD during church a few weeks ago, I was horrified (to quote Grace). His very innocent question: "Mommy, do mice have nipples?" I Googled it to be sure, but it turns out they do. The things we learn when we have kids!

Stay tuned in the weeks to come for a month-by-month review of 2013, which has been quite a year for the Fogarty family!

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