Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On This Day

To My Dear Daughter,

You will grow up reading in your history books about the tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001. When I was growing up, I read about the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which my grandparents remember, and about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which my parents remember (even though they were kids when it happened). All of these events had a lasting impact and altered the course of history.

I remember vividly the events of 9/11/01, a day that changed so much in the United States and around the world, a day when we witnessed unspeakable grief, a day I, and millions of others, will never forget. I lived in Austin at the time, was working for a software company, and was 22 years old. I was home sick from work that day, and I was glued to my TV all day as the horror unfolded. It was one of the most terrifying days I've ever experienced.

So I say to you today that we live in a broken world. There is much pain. There are events and tragedies we will never be able to understand. There are people who do horrible things and who carry hate with them wherever they go. But I never want you to live in fear or focus on any of this. Rather, I want you to see the world as your Dad and I see it - a world of hope, a world of possibilities, a world where love truly does prevail. We want you to always look for the best in people, to be optimistic, and to choose to be happy. Most importantly, we want you to have faith that God will provide for your needs and that He will walk with you throughout your life.

Your Daddy and I love you, Grace, and we always will. We are here for you - to help you learn about the world and to teach you right from wrong. We will try our best to never let you down, using the example our parents have set for us as a guide. No matter what happens or where your life takes you, our love will follow.

With All My Love,

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