Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Stomach Bug Strikes

Wow...yesterday was quite a day. I was at a conference all day for work and gave a presentation that I've been preparing for the last month. It went well, and I was glad to get it over with. After work, I went to dinner with several folks who were in town for the conference and a few of my coworkers. I took Grace along, which went pretty well. I can tell that I'm quickly approaching the day where taking her to a restaurant will be more of a chore. She's still small enough to let me hold her and be content with just looking around. I'm enjoying these days while they last.

When I got home, I read an email that made my heart ache. It was from the mother of one of the little girls in Grace's class. She emailed to let us know that her daughter fell off of a changing table at day care that morning and was transported by ambulance to the children's hospital. She let us know that her daughter has a concussion, but miraculously no other injuries. When I read her email, I was overcome with emotions. It's hard to even put into words...I was so sad for the sweet little girl who fell and her family and terribly worried about them. Then I was livid that the parents weren't informed about the incident when we picked our kids up this evening. I actually talked with the director at 5:30 when I picked Grace up. How could she not mention this?

Martin wasn't home when I got the email. As soon as he got home, we talked it out and decided that we didn't want to send Grace back to day care for the rest of the week. I had several concerns last week about Grace's care, which I had addressed with the director. But this incident made us wary about sending Grace back until some of the deeper issues are addressed. We'll have to make arrangements for the rest of the week, but we'll figure it out.

In the midst of all this, Grace played happily on the floor, and we smothered her with hugs and kisses. That is, until the stomach bug made its presence known...

Out of nowhere, Grace started throwing up, which is something she's never done before. To be honest, Martin and I were stunned when it all began. She vomited numerous times throughout the night, until she literally had nothing left in her system. Then the dry heaves started. It was awful!

Being the overprotective first-time parents that we are, we wondered if we should take her to the ER. After all, we'd never seen her sick like this! Thank goodness, we have a dear friend who's a pediatrician. I called her, and she calmed me down, assuring me that this was probably the nasty stomach bug that's going around. Interestingly enough, I’d gotten an email earlier from another parent at the day care telling us that her son started throwing up on the way home. So Grace isn't the only one with this bug. It looks like Grace had her own plan for staying home from day care, regardless of what her Mommy and Daddy had planned.

Billy watched Grace until I got home around 1 PM today. He's always there for Grace when she needs her Uncle. Grace seems to be done with the vomiting, but now the diarrhea has started. Such fun! Say a prayer that our little girl feels better soon and also pray for her friend who fell at day care yesterday.

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