Monday, July 9, 2007

Nothing Worse...

After six weeks of Grace's life, I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing worse than hearing your child cry. It's something I don't think I truly understood until listening to Grace's cries. When you hear other people's kids cry, it affects you, but never in the way it does when your own child is in pain or unhappy. I find it heartbreaking when Grace is screaming her little head off, which I must admit doesn't happen all that often. She's a happy baby for the most part, but since last night she's had a sore bottom that has resulted in her absolutely wailing every time we change her. It was to the point today that I was crying right along with her because her cry sounded like she was in so much pain. All I want to do is make that pain go away for her. It breaks my heart when I don't feel like I can, which I why I'm awake right now. When I close my eyes, I keep hearing that cry, and I can't sleep. It's midnight; she's asleep; and I should be too! I'm off to try's to getting some zzzzzzzz's!

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