Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Eagles Beat the Cowboys!

It's been a rough season for the Eagles. Grace's first season as a true Eagles fan hasn't been pretty, but we've taught her to stick with her team no matter what. We want to raise her to be a loyal fan, unlike the bandwagon-jumping fans that many other teams have. So she's learned some good lessons already.

Today was a great day in the Fogarty household! The Eagles beat the Cowboys, 10-6. Grace sported another Eagles outfit and even borrowed her Uncle Billy's Santa hat for a few great pictures. It's cool to see Grace watch football. She actually seems to be concentrating on the game. We look forward to teaching her all about the sports we love as she grows up!

Uncle Billy came to watch the game with us, and it was a nailbiter until the very end, but the Eagles came out on top! WOO HOO :-)

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