Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm outSTANDing!

Grace keeps getting stronger everyday. She is absolutely amazing to me. I love watching her learn new things and explore her world. I am constantly fascinated by her.

Ever since she started sitting up on her own over a month ago, she's been having a ball playing with her toys. She's really independent...I wonder where she gets that from? I must admit that when I think about the reality that she'll be mobile in a few months, I get a bit teary. I like it that she stays in one place. I can't imagine how things will change, and how much more of a worrier I'll be, when she starts crawling and walking. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though.

Grace really digs standing up. When we're holding her, she wants to be in a standing position. But today she held herself up, and it was fun to watch. She only held herself up for a few seconds at a time, but you could tell she was proud of this new achievement. That's our girl! She's OUTSTANDING!

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