Monday, December 10, 2007

Sick Baby Girl :-(

I'm sad to blog that our sweet little baby is sick. She came home from day care on Friday with a nasty cough and a lot of congestion. We kept her home all weekend and canceled our plans so we could take care of her. Even though she sounded awful throughout the weekend, she was in a good mood and was her usual cheerful self. Until this morning...

Grace woke up around 6:00 AM and cried uncontrollably for almost three hours straight. It was one heck of a morning. When your child is in pain, so are you, and it was almost unbearable hearing her cry like that. I made her a doctor's appointment first thing this morning, and we got an appointment at 10:30, thank God.

Luckily, she calmed down by the time we got to the doctor, and I just held her close while we waited to be seen. That seemed to comfort her (and me). The doctor diagnosed her with an ear infection and a bad cold and prescribed her an antibiotic. After picking up the antibiotic, I got her home and spent most of the day with her in my arms. The doctor ordered medicine, but Mommy prescribed TLC. We made it through the day with quite a few tears, but hopefully Grace is on the road to recovery.

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